Hi blow produces top quality septic air pumps for aerobic wastewater treatment systems. Although these pumps are reliable, oftentimes they must be rebuilt or repaired to keep them going even longer. Below are the various hi blow repair kits for pump. Find what you need so you can keep the hi blow pump working efficiently.
Rebuilding a hi blow air pump will increase its lifespan and save hundreds of dollars compared to buying a brand new pump. This is good for you, whether you are the owner of the pump or the repairman. Here are the different hi blow repair kits for pump and their specifications:
Hi blow hp-60/80 rebuild kit - $62
This is one of the most popular kits on the market. It is easy to rebuild the hi blow hp-60 or hp-80 pump with this kit, taking as little as 10 minutes to complete. The kit includes two diaphragms, mounting hardware for the diaphragms, four air valves, mounting blocks, heads, safety screw and nut, and a new filter.Compared to a new pump that costs over $200, this repair kit at $62 is the way to go.
Hi blow hp-100/120 rebuild/repair kit - $90
This kit is essentially the same as the one above; the only difference is that it’s for the hp-100 and hp-120 pumps. It comes with the same materials as the other kit, just fit for these larger sized pumps. As with other repair kits, the money you save when choosing the repair kit over a new pump is a considerable amount. Spending $90 is much better than spending over $400 to fix your problem.
All hi blow septic air pumps wear out over time due to constant use. But the hi blow repair kits for pump can rebuild it so that it is almost like new, giving it a second wind at a lower price. Before dropping hundreds of dollars to fix a treatment system, give hi blow repair kits for pump a try.